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MCNS NOVEMBER 2023 UPDATE: Currently booking Postpartum clients, who are due in January, 2024 onwards and Initial Early Pregnancy clients, whose last menstrual period is September- October-November, 2023  and who are due in June- July -August  2024 onwards. 

What’s a midwife to do when 24 hour/ 7 day labor and birth work is no longer feasible?   

Look forward to connecting with as many  postpartum families after the birth of their babies and/or to newly pregnant folk, as my part-time capacity allows!

Initial Early Pregnancy Care and After Birth  Postpartum and Newborn Care: are the 2 services I now offer. 

Each service  is a phase of care that has a mixture of scheduled and unscheduled remote and in-person visits, along with email communication. 

Currently, I am booking pregnant folk, whose babies are due in January, 2024 onwards into my postpartum practice.   

I have capacity at this time for folk, who have just discovered that they are pregnant, who had their last period in

September- October-November, 2023  and who are due in June- July -August  2024 onwards. 

I am  grateful for over 1000 + babies and families that my full-service practice was privileged to participate in their journeys from 1998 until 2021. While I miss attending birth, I am delighted that midwifery experience and the other skills that midwives have outside of  labor and birth are now recognised within our healthcare system and utilized as part of a hospital and health region’s team-based perinatal services approach.   Consequently,  I am excited to confidently launch my part-time consultant practice, which offers two MSP covered midwifery primary care services: Initial Early Pregnancy Care and After Birth Postpartum and Newborn Care.

Folk can either self-refer during their pregnancy or be  referred by other providers.

My postpartum services  include: lactation, infant feeding and development, c-section recovery, contraception and early parenting support. 

I am grateful to Dr Jolene Kennet ND, who has provided me an opportunity to grow my new venture out of her lovely office clinic space in Shipyards Health  lower  Lonsdale.   

You will find me there undertaking sceheduled  initial early prenatal and postpartum in-person office appointments  two Wednesdays a month between 2-8 pm.  As my capacity grows, so my Wednesday shifts will grow to three or  four a month. 
