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MCNS March, 2023 UPDATE

It’s been just over a year since Midwifery Care North Shore has ONLY been offering partial midwifery services in the form of early pregnancy care and postpartum services. While it has been a change, it has also been a natural progression.

Vera Beard RM has embraced the many joys of providing services to folk just pregnant and to those, who have birthed and are now on an early parenting journey for the first time or more, with either one or two babies. Since November, 2021 her partial midwifery services capacity has been steadily building. During this time Vera has provided services to over 50 postpartum folk and their families. Half of her clientele started out in her early pregnancy care, were referred to Lionsgate Maternity Clinic for ongoing care and returned to her postpartum practice after the birth of their babies. The rest were referred to her by Obstetricians on the North Shore and in Vancouver during their pregnancies. A few were referred by Lionsgate Hospital Perinatal Services Coordinator and pediatrician after the birth of their babies when Vera had capacity. Many of Vera’s early pregnancy clients connected with her after being helped to conceive via Reproductive Medicine. Vera has appreciated and enjoyed feeling the support and respect of her colleagues for the services that she provides. (more…)